Intento de golpe de estado de Tejero

1981. Multitudinaria manifestación contra el golpe de estado

Juramento de Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo



The Transition´s Milestones
Year 1981


29th january
Adolfo Suárez resigns as government president.
See video: Resignation of Adolfo Suárez as president of the Government in 1981
4th february
  The Royal Family visits the Casa de Juntas de Gernika (Gathering House). Members of Herri Batasuna HB interrupt the monarch's speech with nationalist chants and slogans.
18th february
  Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Bustelo, appears in front of Congress upholding article 99 of the Constitution, to solicit the Chamber's trust as candidate to the Presidency of the Government.
>Investiture of Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Bustelo
20th february
  First vote for the investiture of Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo as president. Absolute majority is not achieved.
23th february

  Attempt of coup d'etat. The Congress of Deputies (Parliament) is assaulted by Lieutenant-Colonel Antonio Tejero of the Civil Guard, during the second vote of investiture as president of the government of Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo.
See video: King Juan Carlos' speech after the attempted coup of 23-F
Videos about the attempted coup
24th february

Tejero surrenders. The King has stopped the coup d'etat.

25th february

Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo is invested as President of the Government by absolute majority.

23rd june
  The divorce law elaborated by Francisco Fernández Ordóñez is approved.
29th october
  Spain's integration into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is approved. PSOE and PCE vote against it.
9th december
  The government signs NATO's joining protocol.






Fundación ACSFundación EndesaFundación Endesa           Fundación Rafael del Pino
Ministerio de Cultura        Banco Santander   Telefónica    Fundación Rafael del Pino


Collaborating Institutions:

archivo audiovisual victimas de terrorismo en España  Casa Árabe  CAFFO  Centro Dramático Nacional  Club Madrid  logotipo Fundación Ideas
Fundación Diario MadridFundación EncuentroFundación Juan de OñateFRIDEMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
International Institute  Leize Producciones   Casa Árabe  archivo audiovisual victimas de terrorismo en España  Universidad Rey Juán Carlos

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