Transitions Forum / Foro de transiciones

In this section, the Spanish Transition Foundation puts together a number of news articles, research papers and works related to other political transitions that are taking place in other countries. There will be texts or videos of activities, in languages other than Spanish, with the objective of spreading new democratization processes or recent ones, to be used as a tool for researchers from a comparative perspective.

The Spanish Transition Foundation accepts and takes into consideration as many original documents that are sent to us, but does not assure its return, its publication, nor maintaining correspondence regarding them, except when previously asked.

The Spanish Transition Foundation does not take responsibility when it comes to opinions expressed by collaborators.


Europe   |   Spanish America   |   North Africa   |   Middle East
Spanish America
North Africa

La Fundación Transición Española, en colaboración con la Universidad de la Manouba (Túnez) y el Instituto Cervantes organizó un coloquio hispano-tunecino en la Académie Tunisienne des Sciences des Lettres et des Arts  de Cartago (Túnez).

Middle East

The American University in Cairo ha celebrado el seminario From Tahrir: Revolution or Democratic Transition?, que tuvo lugar entre el 4 y el 6 de junio de 2011.

  • The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasse to Tahir Square. By Steven Cook. Oxford University Press; 408 pages.
  • Liberation Square: Inside the Egyptian Revolution and the Rebirth of a Nation. By Ashraf Khalil. St. Martin's Press. 324 pages.





Fundación ACSFundación EndesaFundación Endesa           Fundación Rafael del Pino
Ministerio de Cultura        Banco Santander   Telefónica    Fundación Rafael del Pino


Collaborating Institutions:

archivo audiovisual victimas de terrorismo en España  Casa Árabe  CAFFO  Centro Dramático Nacional  Club Madrid  logotipo Fundación Ideas
Fundación Diario MadridFundación EncuentroFundación Juan de OñateFRIDEMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
International Institute  Leize Producciones   Casa Árabe  archivo audiovisual victimas de terrorismo en España  Universidad Rey Juán Carlos

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